KDE PIM (dvratil)
- wrote infrastructure for unit-testing Akonadi handlers and unit-tests for some handlers
- implemented direct payload streaming (performance optimization)
- improved PostgreSQL support
- optimized database on Btrfs
KScreen (dvratil)
- finished the new UI for KScreen KCM and merged to master
Network Management (jgrulich, ltinkl)
* plasma-nm - some improvements in KF5/PlasmaNext version* FIXED or CLOSED:
- #335419 - Unnecessarily big spacing when a network asks for the password
- #334249 - Network Management Settings does not resize the widgets correctly
- #334394 - Icon doesn't change when the theme changes
- #334980 - No scrollbar is shown even though the networks don't fit in the applet
- #334668 - the networking applet does not store passwords and does not start the connection process
- #334786 - After click on apply, the password info of my new connection is lost. Every time that field returns to the blank status
- #335388 - Module 'org.kde.plasma.networkmanagement' does not contain a module identifier directive - it cannot be protected from external registrations.
- #335325 - In plasma next session I cannot connect to my wireless access points, they are listed but connect doesn't do anything
- #334481 - cant enable wifi
- #330127 - Better support for SSID with more AP
- #327070 - After network disconnection network management shows connected but only shows connect selection
Display Management (mbriza)
- QAuth released in version 0.1.1
- New release containing various bugfixes
- Another release underway with more fixes
- Started working on starting X server in the user session
- Became the upstream maintainer - got commit access
- Continued development against QAuth
- Rewritten the configuration parser, opened a pull request
- Issue and pull request resolving - the project is very alive nowadays
- rhbz#1049135 - Connections not displayed correctly
- rhbz#1072109 - Signal strength being not consistently reported for two APs with same SSID, different BSSID
- rhbz#1018395 - Network Management doesn't show connection traffix
- rhbz#1061819 - KDE NM applet doesn't show to what wireless network is connected
- updated KDE Frameworks COPR to 4.99.0 http://copr.fedoraproject.org/coprs/dvratil/kde-frameworks/
- packaged many unstable KDE Frameworks http://copr.fedoraproject.org/coprs/dvratil/kde-frameworks-unstable/
- packaged Plasma Next and various KDE 5 applications http://copr.fedoraproject.org/coprs/dvratil/plasma-next/
- built a live ISO with Plasma Next preview http://www.progdan.cz/2014/05/kde-frameworks-5-beta-and-plasma-next-preview-on-fedora/
- submitted all KDE Frameworks Tier 1 packages for Fedora review and pushed them to rawhide (some still pending) (RHBZ#1086148)
- Opened review request for QAuth: #1101235
- Copr repository containing QAuth and SDDM compiled against it - with working PAM stack: http://copr.fedoraproject.org/coprs/mbriza/sddm/
Brought to you by: Martin Bříza (mbriza), Jan Grulich (jgrulich), Than Ngo (than), Lukáš Tinkl (ltinkl) and Dan Vrátil (dvratil)
Get the latest and greatest of Fedora and KDE at http://spins.fedoraproject.org/kde/
You can find us on #fedora-kde channel on Freenode IRC
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